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Amateur K-1 Rules

  • Amateur K-1 Rules is from 7-8yrs upwards.

  • Gala bouts are three or five rounds in duration, with each round lasting Two minutes. 

  • Open Tournaments will be two rounds of one minute rounds. With Finals being three rounds of one minute rounds.

  • Head shots are only allowed for 15yrs+

  • The match can end by Knockout, Technical Knockout, Decision, Disqualification, Draw or No Contest.

  • In bouts consisting of children a level of control is expected and NO child where can be avoided shall be inflicted with blows to the head, which result in KO or potential KO.

  • Both the referee and the ring doctor have full authority to stop the fight.

  • The fight is scored by three judges on a ten-point must system (The winner of each round receives ten points, and the loser receives nine or less. If the round is even, both competitors receive ten points).

  • If there is a draw after three rounds, the judges’ scores are thrown out and one or two rounds are contested. The judges’ decision will then come from the scoring of each extra round only. If, after the extra round(s), there is still a draw, the judges will decide a winner based on the flow of the entire match, considering even the slightest difference. A fight can only end in a draw if both fighters go down at the same time and cannot get up, or in the case of accidental injury in the late stages of the contest.

  • The three-knockdown rule is in effect (three knockdowns in a round results in a technical knockout).

  • The mandatory eight count is in effect (the referee must count to at least “eight” on all knockdowns).

  • The standing eight count is in effect (the referee has the right to declare a knockdown on a fighter who appears to be in a dangerous condition to continue in the match).

  • A fighter can be saved by the bell only in the last round.


In K-1 single elimination tournament matches:

  • Each match is three rounds in duration.

  • The three-knockdown rule becomes a two-knockdown rule for all matches except the final.

  • One or two reserve fights are held prior to the single elimination matches. If for any reason a fighter who wins and advances through the brackets is unable to continue, a reserve match competitor, or the fighter’s opponent from the most recent match, takes his place. There are certain exceptions to this rule (i.e. a fighter who lost a match by knockout might not be eligible to replace another fighter).


The following equipment is mandatory:

HEAD-GEAR All amateurs must where HEAD-GEAR. Only Adults may opt out of wearing head gear and both sides must either wear or not wear head gear. Top Ten Head-guards aren't mandatory but are the recommend brand to wear.

GUM-SHIELDS are required at all levels.

BODY-SHIELDS are required for all juniors under the age of 15yrs.

BREAST PROTECTORS are optional but recommended for all ladies.

GLOVES: 10oz Gloves are required

WRAPS Hands may only be wrapped with bandage or cotton handwraps. And only taped with Zinc Oxide tape and must not cover the knuckles. Use of GAFFA style tapes is NOT ALLOWED.

SHORTS Thai shorts or MMA style shorts are allowed.

GROIN-GUARD for males is mandatory. Females is optional

SHIN-INSTEP protectors are also required but must not be ones with metal inserts within them.

ANKLE-SUPPORTS are optional


The following techniques are authorised:

Punches: Straight punches, hooks, uppercuts.

Kicks: Front kicks, low kicks, middle kicks, high kicks, side kicks, back kicks, inner thigh kicks, jumping kicks, and knee kicks.

The following restrictions apply to the usage of the backspin blow.
When it is evident that the attack was made by an elbow, forearm or glove, the attack is considered as a foul In case the referee cannot determine whether the backspin blow was made by the any  none authorized area or not, the match shall be stopped, and the rules director, supervisor, supervisory staff, and the referee and the judges shall review the fight by reviewing the Video Replay, if necessary. When it is determined that the attack was made by the unauthorized blow, the backspin blow is considered as a foul, and the fighter shall be penalized or disqualified at referee discretion.

1. A fighter who executes a foul technique shall be penalized with a “caution”, “warning”, or a “point deduction”. The referee announces a “caution” and “warning” verbally. (2) cautions shall lead to one (1) warning; any warning then on shall be given instead of cautions thereafter. Two (2) warnings shall lead to a one (1) point deduction, and three (3) point deductions in one (1) round shall be grounds for disqualification.


However, this clause shall not apply in cases where the referee rules that the foul technique as unintentional. If the referee judges that the foul technique is malicious or causes significant damages on the opponent, the fighter might be given point reduction immediately, skipping order of foul calls.


The following behavior is considered as foul techniques.

1. Using the head to deliver a blow.
2. Using the elbow to deliver a blow.
3. Attacking the opponent in the groin (knee kicking or punching the opponent in the area under the navel shall be considered as low-blows and will be ruled as fouls).
4. Delivering wrestling or judo throwing or submission techniques.
5. Thumbing the opponent
6. Choking and punching the throat of the opponent.
7. Biting the opponent.
8. Attacking the opponent while he is down or in the process of getting up.
9. Attacking the opponent after the referee calling a break.
10. Holding the ropes to whether offensively or defensively.
11. Using offensive or insulting language to the referee.
12. Attacking the back of the head with a punch (the side of the head and the area around the ears are not considered as the back of the head and are valid target areas).
13. Attempting to cause the opponent to fall out of the ring.
14. Voluntarily exiting the ring during the course of a match.
15. Attacking the opponent who turned around and showed his back. However, the referee may give a caution, warning or point reduction to the fighter who showed his back as loosing his will to fight.
16. Delivering a backspin blow with elbows, forearms or glove.

A point reduction may be given immediately to a fighter if the referee finds that the foul technique was inflicted with malicious intent.


A caution shall be given to a fighter who repeatedly charges inside the opponent’s arms, with his head held low (i.e. to avoid attack). This shall be considered as inducing a head-butt. In case that either of the fighters gets a cut from a head-butt and is bleeding, the fighter who has caused the cut shall receive a one (1) point deduction. However, if the referee finds the head-butt to have been obviously intentional or malicious, a deduction of two (2) points shall be given. If the referee judges the head-butt as accidental, there may not be any point reduction.


A caution, warning, and a point reduction shall be given to a fighter who repeatedly uses holding and clinches that are not accompanied by attacks, and are judged as being defensive/passive in nature (ie. to avoid attack). Two (2) cautions will sum up to one (1) warning, and the next caution shall be a deduction of one (1) point. Furthermore, the same applies to when grasping and holding the opponent immediately after launching an attack (ie. to avoid a counter-attack.), or falling on the matt intentionally.


A caution, warning, and a reduction of point may be given to the fighter when a fighter is only waiting for a counter blow and is delivering few attacks, and is considered to be passive.


Holding the kicking leg of an opponent is not a foul, but only a single attack, whether a punch or a kick while holding the leg is authorized. Continuous attack while holding a leg is a foul. If a fighter does not take any action while holding the kicking leg, the referee shall call a break. Holding the kicking leg and using a throwing technique is also a foul.


When a fighter is holding a neck of his opponent with both hands, the fighter is limited to kick or knee kick his opponent to only one time. Therefore, continuous attack is judged as a foul. Attacking the opponent continuously while holding the neck with one hand is authorized. However, referee may call a break if judges the attack does not give any damage to the opponent.


Passive holding or clinching is prohibited. However, the referee can permit it only when it is accompanied by an authorized attack. A fighter can be penalized if he resorts to holding or clinching after an authorized attack or in order to avoid attacks.

Amateur Fullcontact Rules


  • Amateur Kickboxing Rules is only for 11yrs old upwards.

  • Each match is three or five rounds in duration, with each round lasting two minutes.

  • Open Tournaments will be two rounds of one minute rounds. With Finals being three rounds of one minute rounds.

  • Kickboxing is only allowed for 11yrs+

  • The match can end by Knockout, Technical Knockout, Decision, Disqualification, Draw or No Contest.

  • In bouts consisting of children a level of control is expected and NO child where can be avoided shall be inflicted with blows to the head, which result in KO or potential KO.

  • Both the referee and the ring doctor have full authority to stop the fight.

  • The fight is scored by three judges on a ten-point must system (The winner of each round receives ten points, and the loser receives nine or less. If the round is even, both competitors receive ten points).

  • If there is a draw after three rounds, the judges’ scores are thrown out and one or two extra three-minute rounds are contested. The judges’ decision will then come from the scoring of each extra round only. If, after the extra round(s), there is still a draw, the judges will decide a winner based on the flow of the entire match, considering even the slightest difference. A fight can only end in a draw if both fighters go down at the same time and cannot get up, or in the case of accidental injury in the late stages of the contest.

  • The three-knockdown rule is in effect (three knockdowns in a round results in a technical knockout).

  • The mandatory eight count is in effect (the referee must count to at least “eight” on all knockdowns).

  • The standing eight count is in effect (the referee has the right to declare a knockdown on a fighter who appears to be in a dangerous condition to continue in the match).

  • A fighter can be saved by the bell only in the last round.

  • Each match can be two, three or five rounds in duration.

  • The three-knockdown rule becomes a two-knockdown rule for all matches except the final.

  • One or two reserve fights are held prior to the single elimination matches. If for any reason a fighter who wins and advances through the brackets is unable to continue, a reserve match competitor, or the fighter’s opponent from the most recent match, takes his place. There are certain exceptions to this rule (i.e. a fighter who lost a match by knockout might not be eligible to replace another fighter).


The following equipment is mandatory:

HEAD-GEAR All amateurs must where HEAD-GEAR. Only Adults may opt out of wearing head gear and both sides must either wear or not wear head gear. Top Ten Head-guards aren't mandatory but are the recommend brand to wear.

GUM-SHIELDS are required at all levels.

TOPS All children under 12yrs old must wear either a tshirt or vest.

BREAST PROTECTORS are optional but recommended for all ladies.

GLOVES: 10oz Gloves are required

WRAPS Hands may only be wrapped with bandage or cotton handwraps. And only taped with Zinc Oxide tape and must not cover the knuckles. Use of GAFFA style tapes is NOT ALLOWED.

TROUSERS Long Kickboxing trousers must be worn.

GROIN-GUARD for males is mandatory. Females is optional

SHIN-Guards are also required but must not be ones with metal inserts within them.

FOOT-PADS are mandatory

ANKLE-SUPPORTS are optional


The following techniques are authorised:

Punches: Straight punches, hooks, uppercuts.

Above Waist Kicks: Front kicks, middle kicks, high kicks, side kicks, back kicks, jumping kicks and spinning kicks.

The following restrictions apply to the usage of the backspin blow.
When it is evident that the attack was made by an elbow, forearm or glove, the attack is considered as a foul.


In case the referee cannot determine whether the backspin blow was made by the any  none authorized area or not, the match shall be stopped, and the rules director, supervisor, supervisory staff, and the referee and the judges shall review the fight by reviewing the Video Replay, if necessary.


When it is determined that the attack was made by the unauthorized blow, the backspin blow is considered as a foul, and the fighter shall be penalized or disqualified at referees discretion.

1. A fighter who executes a foul technique shall be penalized with a “caution”, “warning”, or a “point deduction”. The referee announces a “caution” and “warning” verbally. (2) cautions shall lead to one (1) warning; any warning then on shall be given instead of cautions thereafter. Two (2) warnings shall lead to a one (1) point deduction, and three (3) point deductions in one (1) round shall be grounds for disqualification.


However, this clause shall not apply in cases where the referee rules that the foul technique as unintentional. If the referee judges that the foul technique is malicious or causes significant damages on the opponent, the fighter might be given point reduction immediately, skipping order of foul calls.


The following behavior is considered as foul techniques.


1. Using the head to deliver a blow.
2. Using the elbow to deliver a blow.
3. Attacking the opponent in the groin (knee kicking or punching the opponent in the area under the navel shall be considered as low-blows and will be ruled as fouls).
4. Delivering wrestling or judo throwing or submission techniques.
5. Thumbing the opponent
6. Choking and punching the throat of the opponent.
7. Biting the opponent.
8. Attacking the opponent while he is down or in the process of getting up.
9. Attacking the opponent after the referee calling a break.
10. Holding the ropes to whether offensively or defensively.
11. Using offensive or insulting language to the referee.
12. Attacking the back of the head with a punch (the side of the head and the area around the ears are not considered as the back of the head and are valid target areas).
13. Attempting to cause the opponent to fall out of the ring.
14. Voluntarily exiting the ring during the course of a match.
15. Attacking the opponent who turned around and showed his back. However, the referee may give a caution, warning or point reduction to the fighter who showed his back as loosing his will to fight.
16. Delivering a backspin blow with elbows, forearmsor glove and giving damage to the opponent.

A point reduction may be given immediately to a fighter if the referee finds that the foul technique was inflicted with malicious intent.


A caution shall be given to a fighter who repeatedly charges inside the opponent’s arms, with his head held low (i.e. to avoid attack). This shall be considered as inducing a head-butt. In case that either of the fighters gets a cut from a head-butt and is bleeding, the fighter who has caused the cut shall receive a one (1) point deduction. However, if the referee finds the head-butt to have been obviously intentional or malicious, a deduction of two (2) points shall be given. If the referee judges the head-butt as accidental, there may not be any point reduction.


A caution, warning, and a point reduction shall be given to a fighter who repeatedly uses holding that is not accompanied by attacks, and are judged as being defensive/passive in nature (ie. to avoid attack). Two (2) cautions will sum up to one (1) warning, and the next caution shall be a deduction of one (1) point. Furthermore, the same applies to when grasping and holding the opponent immediately after launching an attack (ie. to avoid a counter-attack.), or falling on the canvas intentionally.


A caution, warning, and a reduction of point may be given to the fighter when a fighter is only waiting for a counter blow and is delivering few attacks, and is considered to be passive.


Holding the kicking leg of an opponent is a foul,  Holding the kicking leg and using a throwing technique is also a foul.


Passive holding or clinching is prohibited. However, the referee can permit it only when it is accompanied by an authorized attack. A fighter can be penalized if he resorts to holding or clinching after an authorized attack or in order to avoid attacks.

Amateur Low Kick Rules

  • None title bouts are three rounds in duration, with each round lasting 1 minutes, 1.5 minute or 2 minutes. 

  • Title bouts shall be:
    3 rounds Regional
    5 rounds National & above
    Juniors shall be 1.5 min rounds Adults 2 min rounds

  • Open Tournaments will be two rounds of  one minute rounds. (Volume of entries and running times will dictate at organisers discretion. But only at approval of WKL Chief Official in Attendance)

  • Head shots are allowed for all ages

  • The match can end by ref stoppage due to No Contest.

  • Both the referee and the ring doctor have full authority to stop the fight.

  • The fight is scored by three judges on a ten-point must system (The winner of each round receives ten points, and the loser receives nine or less. If the round is even, both competitors receive ten points).

  • If there is a draw after three rounds, the judges’ scores are thrown out and one or two rounds are contested. The judges’ decision will then come from the scoring of each extra round only. If, after the extra round(s), there is still a draw, the judges will decide a winner based on the flow of the entire match, considering even the slightest difference. A fight can only end in a draw if both fighters go down at the same time and cannot get up, or in the case of accidental injury in the late stages of the contest.

  • Knock down rule is 3 knockdowns in a single round will end the fight or 4 knockdowns in the total fight will stop the fight.

  • The standing eight count is in effect (the referee has the right to declare a knockdown on a fighter who appears to be in a dangerous condition to continue in the match).

  • A fighter can be saved by the bell only in the last round.

In Gala LOW KICK Kickboxing single elimination tournament matches:

  • Each match is two rounds in duration.

  • One or two reserve fights are held prior to the single elimination matches. If for any reason a fighter who wins and advances through the brackets is unable to continue, a reserve match competitor, or the fighter’s opponent from the most recent match, takes his place. There are certain exceptions to this rule (i.e. a fighter who lost a match by knockout might not be eligible to replace another fighter).


The following equipment is mandatory:

HEAD-GEAR All amateurs must where HEAD-GEAR. Only Adults may opt out of wearing head gear and both sides must either wear or not wear head gear. Top Ten Head-guards aren't mandatory but are the recommend brand to wear.

GUM-SHIELDS are required at all levels.

TOPS All juniors under the age of 12yrs must wear either a t-shirt or vest. 

BREAST PROTECTORS are optional but recommended for all ladies.


8oz Gloves 8yrs and under

10oz Gloves are required 9yrs and above

WRAPS Hands may only be wrapped with bandage or cotton handwraps. And only taped with Zinc Oxide tape and must not cover the knuckles. Use of GAFFA style tapes is NOT ALLOWED.

Thai or MMA style shorts must be worn.

GROIN-GUARD for males is mandatory. Females is optional

SHIN & INSTEP are also required but must not be ones with metal inserts within them.


ANKLE-SUPPORTS are optional




The following techniques are authorised:


Punches: Straight punches, hooks, uppercuts.


Above Waist Kicks: Front kicks, middle kicks, high kicks, side kicks, back kicks, jumping kicks and spinning kicks.

Thigh kicks are also allowed to the inside and the outside of the thighs.

The following restrictions apply to the usage of the backspin blow.
When it is evident that the attack was made by an elbow, forearm or glove, the attack is considered as a foul In case the referee cannot determine whether the backspin blow was made by the any  none authorized area or not, the match shall be stopped, and the rules director, supervisor, supervisory staff, and the referee and the judges shall review the fight by reviewing the Video Replay, if necessary. When it is determined that the attack was made by the unauthorized blow, the backspin blow is considered as a foul, and the fighter shall be penalized or disqualified at referee discretion.


1. A fighter who executes a foul technique shall be penalized with a “caution”, “warning”, or a “point deduction”. The referee announces a “caution” and “warning” verbally. (2) cautions shall lead to one (1) warning; any warning then on shall be given instead of cautions thereafter. Two (2) warnings shall lead to a one (1) point deduction, and two (2) point deductions in one (1) round shall be grounds for disqualification.


However, this clause shall not apply in cases where the referee rules that the foul technique as unintentional. If the referee judges that the foul technique is malicious or causes significant damages on the opponent, the fighter might be given point reduction immediately, skipping order of foul calls.


The following behaviour is considered as foul techniques.


1. Using the head to deliver a blow.
2. Using the elbow to deliver a blow.
3. Attacking the opponent in the groin (knee kicking or punching the opponent in the area under the navel shall be considered as low-blows and will be ruled as fouls).
4. Delivering wrestling or judo throwing or submission techniques.
5. Thumbing the opponent
6. Choking and punching the throat of the opponent.
7. Biting the opponent.
8. Attacking the opponent while he is down or in the process of getting up.
9. Attacking the opponent after the referee calling a break.
10. Holding the ropes to whether offensively or defensively.
11. Using offensive or insulting language to the referee.
12. Attacking the back of the head with a punch (the side of the head and the area around the ears are not considered as the back of the head and are valid target areas).
13. Attempting to cause the opponent to fall out of the ring.
14. Voluntarily exiting the ring during the course of a match.
15. Attacking the opponent who turned around and showed his back. However, the referee may give a caution, warning or point reduction to the fighter who showed his back as loosing his will to fight.
16. Delivering a backspin blow with elbows, forearms or glove and giving damage to the opponent.

A point reduction may be given immediately to a fighter if the referee finds that the foul technique was inflicted with malicious intent.


A caution shall be given to a fighter who repeatedly charges inside the opponent’s arms, with his head held low (i.e. to avoid attack). This shall be considered as inducing a head-butt. In case that either of the fighters gets a cut from a head-butt and is bleeding, the fighter who has caused the cut shall receive a one (1) point deduction. However, if the referee finds the head-butt to have been obviously intentional or malicious, a deduction of two (2) points shall be given. If the referee judges the head-butt as accidental, there may not be any point reduction.


A caution, warning, and a point reduction shall be given to a fighter who repeatedly uses holding that is not accompanied by attacks, and are judged as being defensive/passive in nature (ie. to avoid attack). Two (2) cautions will sum up to one (1) warning, and the next caution shall be a deduction of one (1) point. Furthermore, the same applies to when grasping and holding the opponent immediately after launching an attack (ie. to avoid a counter-attack.), or falling on the canvas intentionally.


A caution, warning, and a reduction of point may be given to the fighter when a fighter is only waiting for a counter blow and is delivering few attacks, and is considered to be passive.


Holding the kicking leg of an opponent is a foul,  Holding the kicking leg and using a throwing technique is also a foul.


Passive holding or clinching is prohibited. However, the referee can permit it only when it is accompanied by an authorized attack. A fighter can be penalized if he resorts to holding or clinching after an authorized attack or in order to avoid attacks.

WKL © 


Founded by Rafael Lopez Rojas

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